

Screenshots provide an overall view of the software. For practical details, please refer to the Tutorial accessible from CVRanalysis "Help" menu.

Main window

The main window displays the beat-to-beat RR, blood pressure and respiration, and the raw signals if present. The toolbar and control buttons in the main window provide quick access to several functions. The File menu allows the user to open files of data extracted from raw or beat-to-beat data files, set preferences, send emails, export series, and save or print the main figure. The Signals menu contains the options for data preprocessing before analysis. Here, the user can enter the recording start time, correct ectopic or erroneous beats, exclude parts of the signal, insert labeled events and areas of interest, and manage the data display in the main figure. The Analysis menu allows calculating heart rate and blood pressure variability, baroreflex sensitivity, time-frequency analyses, analyses on surrounding events, temporal and frequency Granger causality and running batch analyses for higher numbers of files.


Heart  rate and blood pressure variability


Baroreflex sensitivity


Temporal Granger causality


Frequencial Granger causality


Analysis on surrounding events

Another analysis is available for the cumulative changes in HRV, BPV and baroreflex indices surrounding a single event or repeatedly calibrated events entered by the user.


Wavelets analysis

This analysis is performed on the part of the signal that is zoomed in the main window.



Several options are provided for data management and display and for setting the analyses parameters. The Preferences window is opened by selecting the File/Preferences menu or the corresponding toolbar button.


Beat and raw data files importation

Data can be imported from raw (ECG, blodd pressure and respiration wave forms) or beat (RR, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, resoiration) files. The available formats for raw data are EDF, binary and Matlab, and, text, binary and Matlab for beat files.



Beat value correction

Three methods are accessible to correct ectopic and false beats:

1) automated algorithm

2) by editing RR values

3) by deleting/inserting the R-peaks diretely on the EKG signal (if available)



Inserting an area of interest or events

The user can set events or areas of interest along the recording.

Batch analyses

All the above-described analyses can be performed in batch mode to enable processing a wide series of files without running repetitive operations.